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Update Docs

This page explains how to update documentation.


When working only on documentation, it's easier to change your working directory in docs, but eventually you can always :

cd docs

Then start your local server:

# If you are in docs/
task doc_serve

# If you are still at the root /
task doc:doc_serve

Your own local documentation is now live:


Be sure the mkdocs deamon does not run while you build the package, as the build package will trigger a documentation release.

To go further, check the available commands and read the following chapters.

task --list

Implementation details

There are different cool stuffs in the doc:

Docker stack: Integrated IDE

You can also use the integrated web IDE (vscode).

task doc_serve

# Or from root
task doc:serve_ide


From these, you can both edit the code with a visual editor (if you enabled it) and also run jupyter notebooks, and see in live the result in the web page.


mkdocs is a static website generator. It eat markdown files and generate beautiful html pages.

Build documentation:

task doc:build_doc

Generated API/Docs

Documentation need to fetch and copy other files from the project to be able to build completely. This process is scripted in script; this script can either be called by hand, or it is automagicaly called when mkdocs build its files. See mkdocs.toml to see how it is implemented into mkdocs. For your information, this is the way we run this process manually:

./ src/

From there, you can launch a local instance of the website, you will see in logs messages that the above scripts has been executed. :

task -v doc_serve

To publish documentation on GH pages:

task publish_gh


Jupyter playbooks are meant to be edited into the browser. Start the server this way

task jupyter_serve
Then got to to be able to edit notebooks.