Configure main project settings. It provides global settings but also defaults vars and tags for all stacks.
Configure project as a dict value. Most of these settings are overridable via environment vars.
No Additional Properties{
"config": {
"namespace": "my_ns1",
"vars": [
"my_var1": "my_value1"
"tags": [
Name of the project namespace. If not set, defaulted to directory name
Defaulted by the project dir name
Custom namespace name string
Extra vars file to load for this project
List of files to load
A single file to load
Disable extra_vars loading
"extra_vars": [
"extra_vars": "single/file/to_load.yml"
"extra_vars": null
Environment configuration. Paasify leave two choices for the configuration, either use the native dict configuration or use the docker-compatible format
Configure variables as a list. This is the recommended way asit preserves the variable parsing order, useful for templating. This format allow multiple configuration format.
"env": [
"MYSQL_WELCOME_STRING=Is alway a string"
Each additional property must conform to the following schema
Environment configuration. Paasify leave two choices for the configuration, either use the native dict configuration or use the docker-compatible format
Simple key value variable declaration, under the form of: {KEY: VALUE}. This does preserve value type.
"env": [
All properties whose name matches the following regular expression must respect the following conditions
Property name regular expression:^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*$
Value must be serializable type
Value must be a string, under the form of: KEY=VALUE. This does not preserve value type.
Must match regular expression:^[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*=.*$
"env": [
Configure variables as a dict. This option is only proposed for compatibility reasons. It does not preserve the order of the variables.
"env": {
Do not define any vars
"env": null
"env": []
"env": {}
Use automatic conf if not set. You can still override conf values with environment vars.
"config": null
"config": {}