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Build and distribute

This pages explains how to change Paasify version and publish releases.


There are few operation related to this topic

  • Bump version: Increment version and generate changelogs
  • Build: Create artifacts, including python packages with changelogs
  • publish: Push artifacts onto remote repositories, such as or github release

Bump version

The bump operation consists in:

  1. Generate latest changes files
  2. Call cz with the bump command
    1. Update version in .cz.toml
    2. Update version in pyproject.toml
    3. Generate
    4. Commit changed files and commit
    5. Tag commit with version name

To check what is the next version you would release according your last commits, you can run:

$ task version 
task: [version] ./scripts/ 
INFO: Detecting devel branch
INFO: Dry mode enabled, use with --exec to run changes
INFO: Changelog to be generated:
DEBUG: command: cz bump --changelog --dry-run --prerelease alpha   
bump: version 0.1.0a0 → 0.1.0a1
tag to create: 0.1.0a1


The output is self explanatory, it shows you what is your next direction. The major/minor/patch depends on how you prefixed your commits. Enventually, you can force the context this way:

$ task version -- alpha
$ task version -- beta 10
$ task version -- release

When you feel agree with the proposed result, you can run it for good, replace version to bump, from the previous example:

$ task bump
$ task bump -- alpha
$ task bump -- beta 10
$ task bump -- release


Build process will build python package with poetry and copy changelogs into the dist directory

task build


Artifacts are published on many destinations:

To publish:

task publish

Implementation details

While designing CI/CD system around paasify development, it has been decided to not depend upon third party tools. Every CI/CD commands must be able to be launched via task. No github actions or whatever vendor specific tasks, everything the CI/CD can do the developer should be able to do so.

Everything should be able to run on the developper workstation.


There are some github configurations and workflow defined into the .github project in the project dir. Because all CI/CD system is run via task, there is almost no need to configure the CI/CD outside of simply calling task commands.


The current project allows a smart and easy versionning operation:

  • Uses a plugin that allow to guess its version from its package name (see: pyproject.toml)
    • No need to update python code to bump version
  • cz handle version bumping, in our case it will update itself pyproject.toml
    • No need to update python pyproject.toml to bump version
  • A ./scripts/ script exist to help developer to determine what should be the next version
    • No need to guess what gonna be named the next version
    • You can still override what gonna be the next version
  • task is used as main wrapper
    • For most of case, you can simple alternatce between task version and task bump

Behind the scene, task only call the underline script, to get more informations:

$ ./scripts/ --help
INFO: Detecting devel branch
  Helps to bump project version according to git status

  Usage: ./scripts/ [OPTIONS,...]

    alpha,beta,rc         Force version type
    major,minor,patch     Force version type
    INTEGER               Positive number for dev releases

    ./scripts/ beta
    ./scripts/ beta 2
    ./scripts/ minor alpha 3

!!! Warning: Be sure you have at least commited one change before If you have not comitted any changes, you should get this error message.

No commits found
task: Failed to run task "version": exit status 3

Paasify official logo is included as a SVG file in the logo/ directory. They are provided as SVG, so they can easily be patched and commited into git with a vectorial editor tool, such as Inkscape. An helper script is provided to generate favicon:

task -t scripts/ gen_favicon